Fullstack JavaScript Developer is a two-year, full-time higher vocational education programme at Teknikhögskolan in Lund, Sweden. For more information (in Swedish) about the programme, go to Teknikhögskolan's website: [ Fullstack JavaScript Developer Programme ]
Year 1
- Frontend, 35 HVE-credits
- Basic JavaScript Programming, 50 HVE-credits
- Databases, 40 HVE-credits
- Software Production and Delivery, 50 HVE-credits
- Workplace Training 1, 40 HVE-credits: Zetkin Foundation, zetkin.org
Year 2
- Object-oriented Analysis and Design, 35 HVE-credits
- Java Spring, 30 HVE-credits
- Software Security, 30 HVE-credits
- Workplace Training 2, 70 HVE-credits
- Graduation Project, 20 HVE-credits